To make the young statisticians the cornerstone of transformation and modernization of the African statistical system.
To mobilize young statisticians to support and contribute to modernization of National Statistical Systems (NSS) in Africa.
Takwimu aims to develop skilled young African statisticians through training, bridging academic-practical knowledge gaps, fostering mentorship, and aligning with SHASA's four themes.
Strategic Areas
- Mobilize and institutionalize the Young African Statisticians (YAS) Programme at the country level.
- Advocate for and involve YAS in modernizing the national statistical system.
- Build capacity for research, knowledge, and information management.

Governance structure
Takwimu is a flagship programme of the Statistical Commission for Africa, established under decision B of the 8th meeting held in October 2022. Under the theme Statistical capacity development in Africa, the Commission noted that it:
- Approves the creation of the Takwimu Young African Statisticians Programme, with ECA, through the African Centre for Statistics, as its secretariat; and the 2022–2025 strategy.
- Calls upon African countries to endorse and institutionalize the Takwimu Young African Statisticians Programme by establishing young statistician associations, and supporting the proper functioning of the Programme objectives.
- Calls upon development partners to scale up their support for the African statistical system to ensure its transformation and modernization in response to the growing needs of users.
The programme is managed by an Executive Committee composed of young professionals from Togo, Kenya, South Africa, Senegal and Egypt who work across the Planning, Economics, Demography, Demography and Economics disciplines respectively, within the entire national statistical system, including the private sector and the academia. The Committee reports to the Bureau of the Statistical Commission. The Figure below summarizes the programme’s governance structure.